„Christmas on Ice 2012”– an unique Christmas celebration for Siemens Bulgaria
Friday, 21. December 2012

„Christmas on Ice 2012”– an unique Christmas celebration for Siemens Bulgaria

„Christmas on Ice 2012”– an unique Christmas celebration was the special gift that Siemens Bulgaria gave to its employees for the successful 2012 year and as a start for the upcoming 135th anniversary in 2013 since the brand is in Bulgaria. In 2012 the Chapter 4 Bulgaria team decided to avoid the traditional Christmas parties and to relay on creative and imaginative approach to the overall organization of the event. The especially built for the event ice rink in front of the Siemens Bulgaria’s office ensured the true Christmas spirit and cheer throughout the whole month of December 2012. Right next to the ice rink we built a huge tent for all special activities surrounding the “Christmas on Ice”2012 project.

For the first time in Bulgaria it was created and implemented successfully an event with duration of three whole weeks. Chapter 4 Bulgaria organized this three-week series of entertainments and celebrations for employees and friends of Siemens Bulgaria. Besides achieving a unique experience and unforgettable sensations in the beginning of 2013, other important goals of the campaign were the inclusion of employees in the green corporate policy of the company as well as continuing the tradition of charity, compassion, empathy and kindness towards those who have less.